Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Photoshop For Digital Photographers

At first I was skeptical that this was just some photographer taking red-eye out of photos. Then I realized that David Peters knows his stuff. He is also the creator of Photoshop Fast Track. I was impressed by David's lessons, even though I'm not a newbie by any means. I highly recommend this package to digital photographers who just want great photos.

4/5 stars
Click Here!

Master the Basics of Adobe Photoshop

As a graphic artist, I am asked by friends and family to show them tips for Adobe Photoshop. I've tried teaching them using my expert knowledge, but it doesn't compare to the Photoshop Fast Track

In this video tutorial, users can learn about manipulating images, rotating, color adjustment, changing backgrounds and a whole lot more. 

This tutorial is a must have for Photoshop users, whether newbies or advanced like me. I even learned some new tricks and I've been using Photoshop for 15 years now.

 5/5 stars